Friday, October 3, 2008

would you like something to drink?

Bethany and I were running a few errands this morning and decided to stop for a cold drink. My beverage of choice happened to be a large blackberry iced tea (unswetened) from Sonic. I'm still not 100% confident that Bethany can manage a styrofoam cup unsupervised in the backseat, so I asked her if she would like a chocolate milk (it comes in a little plastic jug with the foil cover under the lid - great for minimizing spills). She said "I want a hamburger", I said "it's not time for lunch, would you like some chocolate milk?", she said "I want some french fries", I said "sweetie, I'm going to have some tea, would you like a drink?", again, she said "french fries, please", I said "you'll have to ask Daddy to get you some french fries this weekend" (as I'm going out of town), she said "french fries with Daddy?", I said "yes, would you like a drink?", she said "chocolate milk, and I have french fries with Daddy"... my girl loves her fried potatoes!

Another french fried story... when Anna was 2, she told Santa she wanted french fries for Christmas, and they were delivered Christmas morning as promised (a bit soggy and cold), but she became a believer for life!


Stacey said...

as much as i love sonic, that has always been my pet peeve about them. styrofoam for kids! no way!

Chera said...

Ha...she's persistent isn't she! ;o)