Saturday, October 11, 2008

brush with fame

I usually pick up a FREE monthly copy of San Antonio Our Kids magazine whenever I'm leaving HEB or Wal-Mart. It always has useful information about parenting and lots of ideas for things to do in the area. Recently, they started a photo submission contest. The first I read about it was in July, but it was already a day after the deadline. The theme for the month was "kids and summertime fun" - oh, but I had the perfect picture. I went ahead and e-mailed it, acknowledging that I knew it was late, but the picture was oh, so cute (in my opinion, at least). Well we never heard anything back, and I forgot about it.

About a month later, Katie told me that her Bible class teachers said they saw her in the magazine. We didn't even know we'd been chosen! We stopped at the store on the way home from church that day and grabbed a stack. Sure enough, there they were (the contest winners were all on the inside of the back cover). Bethany even found herself! "It's me, it's Bethany!", she said.

Here is the photo that was selected...

I also thought it would be fun to show you the four pictures I took immediately preceding...

That's about average for us... only 20% of the pictures I take have "potential", although the rest sure are fun memories!


April said...

What a sweet picture!

Jaime said...

HOw cool...I have heard you mention that mag, but never picked up a copy. I will try and remember to get one.