Friday, October 17, 2008

mac family retreat

Every year (for I don't know how long), our church has hosted a family retreat at the beautiful H.E.Butt Foundation Camps. We have been fortunate enough to attend several times. The focus is on spending time with your family, although the sleeping quarters are divided up between the boys and the girls (yes, that means I get 3 and Shayne gets zero). It's a wonderful opportunity that we try not to miss. The pictures we take each year never seem to capture the beauty of the area (only because we're zoomed in on the kids).

Everybody looks forward to the water activities on Saturday afternoon. They had swimming, canoeing, and kayaking, and for the little ones, there were kiddie pools and slip'n slides.



Last year, the girls performed their infamous "Sisters for Sale" at the talent show. This year, we didn't prepare anything, but each of them still participated. Katie and Anna did a skit with a bunch of the youth - Katie's discovering her love of the stage (she played the lead female), Anna was happy with a background part (she was the rising and setting sun). Bethany, along with all the otehr preschoolers, was invited to participate in a dance routine with one of the older girls... click to watch ...then she sang a duet with her friend Mia.

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