Thursday, November 22, 2007

NOT your typical Thanksgiving

We went to Garner State Park to start our Thanksgiving week. Pictured to the left, from top to bottom, left to right are Cayla, Josh, Joey, Anna, Emily, Bethany, Katie (and the white puff in the bottom corner is Sparky's head). We hiked up a small mountain - the kids and dogs did great, so did the grown-ups (I only fell twice). Camping is so much more fun with friends!

Pictured below is our family atop the small mountain.

We had originally planned on having Thanksgiving dinner with Shayne's grandfather, but he had to spend the weekend in the hospital (gallbladder pains). We went to visit him, then spent the night at the ranch. We decided to head home in the morning to get a head start on our weekend to do list.

Not having anything but leftovers from the camping trip, we called around to find a restaurant that was open. We ended up having a delicious turkey feast with all the trimmings, and pumpkin and pecan pie too!

Although this may not be how one typically visualizes a memorable Thanksgiving, this one will always be special to us! Hope yours was special too!

1 comment:

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Glad it was a special day (and week), despite the change in plans.

Have a great weekend!