*inhale* Tuesday uh, one of those days, started off fine, had two extra kiddos for the morning, went to ladies Bible class, then out to lunch with 3 in tow, they all did great, on our way home, got a call from the school nurse that Anna had thrown up in class, fortunately, Shayne was working from home so he was able to pick her up, got home with the 3 girls, got Anna cleaned up and settled in her room, enforced madatory quiet time, 2 extras went home, Katie came home from school with the neighbor girl in tow, she had forgotten her housekey, so she hung out with us for a few hours, add 3 more to that mix for another hour or so as a favor to another friend, minus 2 of those 3, then bye bye to the neighbor, one left plus my own, let's eat dinner!, then off to math & science night at the school, got a preview of the art show, played some math games, saw some cool experiments and met some creepy creatures, drop the extra off, then get back home to my sleepy baby, my sick baby, and my hubby, get everyone off to bed, then have some mommy daddy time. *exhale* one of those days!
Wednesday was a little smoother. I kept Anna home, just in case, and Bethany thought that was wonderful! She had a playmate all day, which also allowed me to get through some of my piles and stacks. We worked on Anna's sarcophagus project, and Katie's egg-packing project. I am always thrilled on Wednesday afternoons when I relize I don't have to worry about dinner. We eat at church before our wednesday night classes. Shayne and I are team teaching the preschool class, and it was my week to teach - one more thing to prepare for. We have a rascally bunch of kiddos, and evening classes are rough because it's usually past their bedtime by the time we finish. Get my kids home, bathed and off to bed. whew!
Thursdays are always my "go" days. Get the girls to school, get B to preschool, go back to the other school to volunteer for a few hours, run a few errands, pick B up and get her home so she can get a quick nap before the girls get home at 3. (I love the school bus!) I did stop this afternoon and treat myself to a foot massage. It was part of a package Shayne gave me for Christmas, and I've been having some heel pain (plantar fasciitis), so the timing was right. Another school activity - Young Masters Art show - both of the girls had pieces submitted (I love it when that happens.)
I posted Anna's picture upside down BECAUSE it was accidentally mounted upside down. If you look close enough, you can see the sun shining at the bottom of the ocean. You'll also seethat the art is made up completely of dots. I'm sure their is a name for that technique, but I don't know what it is. Katie's picture is a simply patterned pastel. Both are beautiful! So proud!!!
After the art show, we had plans to meet some friends for dinner. They were visiting SA from out of state, and despite our busy week/weekend, we made it a priority to see them since we hadn't seen them in several years. It was difficult to carry on a productive conversation in a noisy restaurant, and with 6 children between us, but the time together was still fun! Here all the girls...
Sad to say, but I honestly can't remember what I did most of Friday, but I know I was exhausted by the end of the day, so it must have been something! Probably prepping for the weekend, prepping for scouts on Monday night, prepping for my scrappin' getaway next weekend + kitchen + laundry + misc parenting duties. Shayne was supposed to be gone for the church men's retreat, but it got rained out, so they had it at the church instead. That means he came home really late and left really early the next morning. I slept upstairs with the kids so I wouldn't be disturbed. Katie had a friend sleepover, and we played games and watched movies most of the evening. There may have been a bit of karaoke in there too. :)
Saturday morning we lounged (as much as one can lounge once the 4 year old wakes up). We did some family chores and waited for Daddy to get home. We had our out-of-town friends over for dinner, and Shayne made yummy cheesy tortilla hot dogs on the grill. We were confined to the inside of the house all day because it was wet wet wet outside! (Thank goodness for the rain!)
Sunday morning brings church, which these days is almost an all day event. There are several different classes we are involved in, so we often take two cars so we can divide and conquer when we need to. Needless to say, everyone was ready for bed come sundown Sunday night!
I realize that's only 6 days, but that'll have to do for now! Monday wore me out again!
that made me pooped. and i think the art is pointillism but you'd better double check me on that...it's been a few years since i was in the classroom :)
I'm tired now too. Although my weeks seem to be going that way as well with three kids at three different schools/preschools and oldest going to a co-op. Oiy!! Your doing a great job Mama!! Oh yeah, pointalism was Anna's artwork :)
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