Saturday, January 19, 2008

calm and compassionate

I started reading this book about a month ago and was mesmerized within the first few sentences. It's one of those things that I didn't go hunting for, I just happened across it. Funny how those things happen. We try to go to the library once per week, but it's usually for the kids - I rarely grab something for myself (as stated in #7 of my previous post, that's o.k. with me). I do, however, sometimes peruse the "new books" shelf and usually grab whatever looks interesting. That's how I came upon this...

by Susan Usha Dermond

Here's a quote that struck me:
"It is tempting to think that when our children are agitated and selfish, we need only to change them. But we will have more success if we first examine our own ability to relax and be dispassionate. The more serenity we have, the more calm our children be."

DUH! That totally makes sense. The whole book is full of information like that. She gives lots of examples, and at the end of each chapter is a section called "Practical Steps". Also, the way it's written, you can just jump in anywhere. Pick out a section or chapter that is most appealing to you at the time and not worry about a prerequisite. I started out that way but was so intrigued, I went back to page one and read it from cover to cover.

My DH is reading it now and has already said that it's one we should add to our own personal library.


Jcbaron99 said...

Sounds like a good book. I will have to check it out! Thanks for sharing!

Jaime said...

Shannon, You are one of the calmest people I know. Sounds like you could have written that book. :-) I think I need to read it.