Monday, May 5, 2008

smarter than us?

A few weeks ago, we were driving to church, and as we turned into the parking lot, we noticed a police officer getting ready to pull out. I commented that it looked like he was having a snack in the car, but as we got closer, I realized it was not a snack, he was putting tobacco in his mouth. Here's how the rest of the conversation went...
Mom: "eww, he's putting a chew in his mouth."
Anna: "what's a chew?"
Mom: "it's kinda like taking the inside of a cigarette, putting it in your mouth and sucking on it."
Anna (with a disgusted look on her face): "ewww, I thought policemen were supposed to be smarter than us."

For all you role models & authority figures out there - you never know when a child is watching!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

just make sure no one in your house is hiding the same habit like i caught someone around here the other day! very rarely, but still gross!