Tuesday, April 29, 2008

JW Ranch & blessing

Shayne took the girls to Brady last weekend to see his grandfather and spend some time at his parent's ranch. They did some fishing, exploring (Anna drew the map), and ended the day roasting hot dogs over a small campfire. Shayne loves the solitude and peaceful feeling one gets from communing with nature. We consider ourselves fortunate to have a place like this to escape too!

BLESSING: We were supposed to camp at the ranch in the trailer last weekend, but thanks to a rainy forecast, opted not to take the trailer. Some severe storms blew through the area over the weekend - there was a Severe Thunderstorm Warning AND a Tornado Warning. Also, because of the terrain, if we had been there with the truck and travel trailer, we probably would not have been able to get out (through the mud). We were sad to miss the campout, but grateful for the decision that was made. AMEN!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

I am catching up on your blog. You are so good about updating with your weekend and activities. Looks like you all are having lots of fun as usual. I can tell you are a Mom that "celebrates" each moment!