Saturday, March 15, 2008


I always call my mom on my birthday and ask her if she feels old. Well, this year, she's here with me... Mom, do you feel old today?My dad was in the Army in Germany, so we were to join him as soon as possible. I believe this was our passport photo.

p.s. love the wig!


Olivers Twist, Oklahoma said...

Statement of Defense: I had to have a passport picture taken so we could go to Germany. The hospital photographer came to my room ASAP and it was either gross flat hair or a wig! It was the
'70s!!! Where's the picture of us looking "normal?"

Random Trails said...

Always a beautiful baby -- "shon puppe"... as the old Frau's would say in passing.

Julie said...

Very Happy Birthday to you!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...


There you were all day yesterday looking so pretty and I didn't know it was your special day. (I knew you were March but haven't picked up a birthday list in forever!) What a pretty baby you were...

Hope this new year will be filled with joy.
