Thursday, March 13, 2008

happy scouting!

March 12th was the 95th anniversary of Girl Scouts in the U.S. We decided to have our own little celebration to honor the occasion. We played some games, made our own party hats, and of course, had cake and ice cream.
I have been a Troop Leader for almost 4 years now and WOW what an experience. It was very overwhelming at first because you are so inundated with information, and of course dealing with the parents is SO much fun. The girls are wonderful and I've seen them grow so much. Four of the current eleven have been with me since Kindergarten! I've loved having these special times with Katie. There were times that I wanted to quit, but then I realized I might be missing an opportunity to minister to children who might not have good mentors elsewhere. We've camped in freezing temperatures, been to ballgames in the rain, had science experiments blow up in our faces, and sold thousands of boxes of cookies. Can I say WOW again! I'll be handing the leadership of the troop over to my friend Charity this summer so I can start up a new troop for Anna. The journey will begin again. I've promised the girls that I'll stick with it as long as they want to stay involved.


Don and Lisa Osborn said...

You are the perfect person for this job and I know you've touched the lives of many girls.

Thanks for being such a great leader and example!


Jill said...

shannon, what a great job you are surely doing with those girls!

Stacey said...

i hate that anysa missed her first potential year of scouting! i had an awful experience trying to find a troop/get a call returned/etc! finally gave up!

i will try again next year!