Friday, February 29, 2008

cow, sheep, nick, joe, kevin

The San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo was earlier this month and we try to go every year. The girls love to see the animals - this year we saw lots of cows and sheep in the barns. And, the rodeo is quite exciting. Katie particularly likes the Mutton Bustin', but this time we got to see the Calf Scramble instead. (if you're not familiar with rodeo terms, these two events are the ones that involve kids) Anna, as loud as she can be at home, has developed an extreme dislike of loud places, so she wasn't sure of the situation at first.
Well, as always, the best came last. I'll start at the very beginning... back in December, I was listening to Radio Disney (yes, sometimes when the kids aren't in the car, I foget to change the station). I think it was destiny, because at that very moment, they made the announcement that the Jonas Brothers would be performing at the rodeo. Holy cow! I called Shayne immediately and suggested that tickets to the show would make a great Christmas present. He agreed and went online immediately to make the purchase. SO, Christmas morning there was a small package marked to: Katie and Anna, from: Mom and Dad. Inside was a folded up printout of the ticket confirmation. Katie started reading it aloud to Anna and they both gasped with excitement when they read the part about the rodeo, but as she continued reading, she got to the part about the Jonas Brothers. Katie screamed, Anna screamed, then Bethany screamed (although she didn't know why she was screaming). It was an exciting moment! The next 6 weeks went by quickly enough, then it was time for the show. We left Bethany at home with Nana and headed directly into the craziness. Have you ever been to a tweeny-bopper concert? Our seats were way up there, but nobody complained, and we had the jumbo screens to watch. The zoom on my camera worked o.k. too.

Oh, the things we do for our children. Needless to say, we all had a great time and look forward to future rodeos and rock concerts together!


Stacey said...

boy, i am jealous. you have him well trained!

Jcbaron99 said...

Ah, the rodeo! Miss that. I think it's fun to do those types of things as they get older. Looks like they had a great time (and you guys :-)

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Looks like you all had so much fun! I love that photo of you and Katie--so pretty.

You and Shayne are such good, thoughful parents. I appreciate that about you guys.
