Saturday, January 12, 2008

Junie B.

Last night, I took the girls to the Magik Theatre to see Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business. My dad gave us season passes for Christmas (thanks GrandBob!). We read the book this week at home to build up the anticipation (Katie read it previously in school). They do a great job of retelling the story and incorporate lots of song and dance numbers. And for the grown-ups, they even added in a little Austin Powers and Chariots of Fire. I won't tell anymore - you have to go see it! I think it's recommended for elementary, but even Bethany was mesmerized most of the show.


Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Thought of you when I read it was coming in the paper. Then figured I didn't need to email you to tell you because you are ALWAYS on the cutting edge of what's going on with the kiddos. I'll pass taking Lindy to this one but I look forward to when she will sit for stuff like this. Maybe the new Veggie Tales movie...


Jcbaron99 said...

I LOVE that theatre. We took Summer several times when we were in SA. We don't have anything here like that right now :-(. Enjoy some theatre time for us!!