Thursday, January 10, 2008

ice skating

Last week I took the girls (+ a friend) on our 2nd annual Christmas break ice skating outing. When you only go once a year, it takes you awhile to get your bearings. It's a fun outing for the girls and it's great exercise too! Of course, when I was a kid, I actually had my own skates and could go to the local creek or pond.

Katie got comfortable pretty quick. She went slow and steady and only fell a few times.

Anna took about an hour to get warmed up. In the hour and a half that we were there she made it around the rink 3 times (with my help)... but she didn't fall once!

And of course, it's big fun to hang around and watch the zamboni!


Jcbaron99 said...

My kids love to go ice skating too. I can hardly make it around the rink though - it's pretty sad. But John is somewhat good on ice skates thankfully! Looks like they had a good time!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Love the zamboni!!! I only ice skated once as a child and would break into 1000 pieces now if I tried. Love to watch it, though.

Looks like you had lots of fun!


Stacey said...

is that a look of joy on anna's face?!